§ 46.2-2001. Regulation by Department; reports; prevention of discrimination;regulation of leasing of motor vehicles.
The Department shall supervise, regulate and control all motor carriers,carriers by rail, and brokers not exempted under this chapter doing businessin the Commonwealth, and all matters relating to the performance of theirpublic duties and their charges therefor as provided by this chapter, andshall correct abuses therein by such carriers; and to that end the Departmentmay prescribe reasonable rules, regulations, forms and reports for suchcarriers and brokers in furtherance of the administration and operation ofthis chapter; and the Department shall have the right at all times to requirefrom such motor carriers, carriers by rail, and brokers special reports andstatements, under oath, concerning their business.
The Department shall make and enforce such requirements, rules andregulations as may be necessary to prevent unjust or unreasonablediscriminations by any carrier or broker in favor of, or against, any person,locality, community or connecting carrier in the matter of service, schedule,efficiency of transportation or otherwise, in connection with the publicduties of such carrier or broker. The Department shall administer and enforceall provisions of this chapter, and may prescribe reasonable rules,regulations and procedure looking to that end.
The Department may prescribe and enforce such reasonable requirements, rulesand regulations in the matter of leasing of motor vehicles as are necessaryto prevent evasion of the Department's regulatory powers.
(Code 1950, § 56-276; 1964, c. 571; 1995, cc. 744, 803; 2001, c. 596; 2002,c. 861.)