§ 46.2-2011.18. Violation by passengers; misdemeanor; ejection.
All persons who fail, while using transportation services of a common carrieror restricted common carrier, to act in an orderly manner so as to permit thesafe operation of a vehicle by the driver, or who fail to obey the directionsof any such driver, operator, or other person in charge to act in suchorderly manner, shall be deemed guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor. Furthermore,such persons may be ejected from any such vehicle by any driver, operator, orperson in charge of such vehicle, or by any police officer or otherconservator of the peace; and in case such persons ejected have paid theirfares upon such vehicle, they shall not be entitled to the return of any partof the same. For the refusal of any such passenger to abide by the directionof the person in charge of such vehicle as aforesaid, and his consequentejection from such vehicle, neither the driver, operator, person in charge,owner, manager, nor common carrier or restricted common carrier operatingsuch vehicle shall be liable for damages in any court.
(2001, c. 596.)