§ 46.2-2011.29. Surrender of identification marker, license plate, andregistration card; removal by law enforcement; operation of vehicle denied.
A. It shall be unlawful for a licensee, permittee, or certificate holderwhose license, permit, or certificate has been revoked, suspended, or renewalthereof denied pursuant to this chapter to fail or refuse to surrender, ondemand, to the Department license plates, identification markers, andregistration cards issued under this title.
B. If any law enforcement officer finds that a motor carrier vehicle bearingVirginia license plates or temporary transport plates is being operated inviolation of subsection A of this section, such law enforcement officer shallremove the license plate, identification marker, and registration card andshall forward the same to the Department.
C. When informed that a vehicle is being operated in violation of thissection, the driver shall drive the vehicle to a nearby location off thepublic highways and not remove it or allow it to be moved until the motorcarrier is in compliance with all provisions of this chapter.
(2001, c. 596.)