§ 46.2-2099.3. Operational requirements.
Contract bus carriers shall provide service on a prearranged basis only for aminimum of one hour per vehicle trip under a single contract with one personfor an agreed charge for such movement regardless of the number of passengerstransported. Contract bus carriers shall, prior to and at all times whenproviding compensated service, carry in each motor vehicle a trip sheet orcontract order identifying the names of the passengers who have arranged foruse of the motor vehicle, the date and approximate time of pickup, and theorigin and destination. Such trip sheet or contract order shall be madeavailable immediately upon request to authorized representatives of theDepartment, law-enforcement agencies, and airport authorities and shall beretained and available for inspection at the carrier's place of business fora period of at least three years. Trip sheets or contract orders may beretained (i) in the form of paper records; (ii) by microfilm, microfiche,similar microphotographic process; or (iii) by electronic means.
(2001, c. 596.)