§ 46.2-2099.41. Certification requirements.
A. A person may apply to the Department for certification as an operator ofan excursion train. The Department shall certify an applicant if theDepartment determines that the applicant will operate a passenger train that:
1. Is primarily used for tourism or public service;
2. Leads to the promotion of the tourist industry in the Commonwealth; and
3. Is primarily operated within the Counties of Buchanan, Campbell, orWashington.
B. An application for certification shall include:
1. The name and address of each person who owns an interest of at least 10percent of the excursion train operation;
2. An address in this Commonwealth where the excursion train is based;
3. An operations plan including the route to be used and a schedule ofoperations and stops along the route; and
4. Evidence of insurance that meets the requirements of subsection C of thissection.
C. The Department shall not certify to a person under subsection A unless theperson files with the Department evidence of insurance providing coverage ofliability resulting from injury to persons or damages to property in theamount of at least $10 million for the operation of the train.
D. The Department shall not certify an applicant under subsection A of thissection if the applicant or any other person owning interest in the excursiontrain also owns or operates a regularly scheduled passenger train servicewith interstate connection.
(2001, c. 596; 2003, c. 286; 2007, c. 813.)