§ 46.2-2101. Exemptions from chapter.
The following are exempt from this chapter:
1. Motor vehicles owned and operated by the United States, District ofColumbia, any state, municipality, or any other political subdivision of theCommonwealth.
2. Transportation of property between any point in this Commonwealth and anypoint outside this Commonwealth or between any points wholly within thelimits of any city or town in this Commonwealth.
3. Motor vehicles controlled and operated by a bona fide cooperativeassociation as defined in the Federal Marketing Act, approved June 15, 1929,as amended, or organized or existing under Article 2 (§ 13.1-312 et seq.) ofChapter 3 of Title 13.1, while used exclusively in the conduct of thebusiness of such association.
4. Motor vehicles while used exclusively in (i) carrying newspapers, water,livestock, poultry, poultry products, buttermilk, fresh milk and cream,meats, butter and cheese produced on a farm, fish (including shellfish),slate, horticultural or agricultural commodities (not including manufacturedproducts thereof), and forest products, including lumber and staves (but notincluding manufactured products thereof), (ii) transporting farm supplies toa farm or farms, (iii) hauling for the Department of Transportation, (iv)carrying fertilizer to any warehouse or warehouses for subsequentdistribution to a local area farm or farms, or (v) collecting and disposingof trash, garbage and other refuse.
5. Motor vehicles used for transporting property by an air carrier or carrieraffiliated with a direct air carrier whether or not such property has had orwill have a prior or subsequent air movement.
6. Motor carriers exclusively operating vehicles with a registered grossweight of 7,500 pounds or less for the sole purpose of providing courierservice.
(Code 1950, § 56-338.2; 1954, c. 344; 1956, c. 697; 1973, c. 305; 1995, cc.744, 803; 2001, c. 596; 2003, c. 832.)