§ 46.2-2119. Conversion of old licenses, permits, and certificates.
A. All holders of a license, permit, or certificate of public convenience andnecessity issued prior to July 1, 2002, shall be issued a replacementlicense, permit, or certificate that shall reflect the same classificationand contain the same requirements and restrictions as the original license,permit, or certificate. The holder of such license, permit, or certificateshall make application for a replacement license, permit, or certificateprior to October 1, 2002. If such application is not received by theDepartment or received in an envelope bearing a postmark showing it wasmailed prior to midnight, September 30, 2002, then the license, permit, orcertificate shall expire.
B. If a broker or motor carrier does not request a replacement license,permit, or certificate prior to October 1, 2002, and allows the original toexpire, any application received thereafter shall be treated as an originalapplication.
(2001, c. 596.)