§ 46.2-2165. Obtaining weight tickets.
The carrier shall obtain a weight ticket signed by the weighmaster or itsdriver for each weighing required under this section, with tare and grossweights evidenced by separate tickets, and the driver shall enter thereon thenumber of the bill of lading or shipper's name. No other alterations shall bemade on any such ticket.
1. As soon as weight tickets are obtained, true copies thereof shall beattached to the bill of lading accompanying the shipment and retained in thecarrier's file.
2. If a shipper requests, a true copy of each weight ticket pertaining to ashipment shall be given to the shipper at the weighing station if the shipperis present or upon delivery of the shipment if the shipper is not present atthe weighing.
3. Any of the following shipments may be weighed on a certified scale or by acertified weighmaster prior to being loaded on the vehicle:
a. A part load for any one shipper not exceeding 1,000 pounds;
b. An automobile or other article weighing in excess of 500 pounds, which ismounted on wheels;
c. A shipment that the carrier containerizes for further transportation, inwhich case the net weight of the shipment shall be the gross weight of thecontainer less the tare weight of the container. The gross weight of thecontainer shall be as packed and prepared for shipment and the tare weight ofthe container shall include all of the pads, skins, blocking and bracingused, or to be used, to protect the contents of the container, but notincluding packing materials used in the preliminary packing of the shipment.
(2001, c. 596.)