§ 46.2-2168. Claims.
A. Every household goods carrier that receives a written claim for loss of ordamage to property transported by it shall:
1. Acknowledge receipt of such claim in writing to the claimant within thirtycalendar days after its receipt by the carrier. The carrier shall, at thetime such claim is received, cause the date of receipt to be recorded on theclaim;
2. Pay, decline or make a firm compromise settlement offer in writing to theclaimant within 120 days after receipt of the claim by the carrier or itsagent.
B. If the claim cannot be processed and disposed of within 120 days after thereceipt thereof, the carrier shall, at that time and the expiration of eachsucceeding thirty-day period while the claim remains pending, advise theclaimant in writing of the status of the claim and the reasons for the delayin making final disposition thereof.
C. No household goods carrier shall provide by contract or otherwise ashorter period for the filing of loss and damage claims than thirty calendardays, and for the institution of suits than two years, such period forinstitution of suits to be computed from the day when notice in writing isgiven by the carrier to the claimant that the carrier has disallowed theclaim or any part or parts thereof specified in the notice.
(2001, c. 596.)