§ 46.2-2800. Definitions.
Whenever used in this chapter, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Board" means the Board of Towing and Recovery Operators.
"Class A operator" means a towing and recovery business towing vehicles ofan unlimited gross vehicle weight.
"Class B operator" means a towing and recovery business towing vehicles ofa gross vehicle weight of 26,000 pounds or less.
"Operator" means a person licensed by the Board as a Class A or Class Boperator.
"Towing and recovery" includes any person or business that in any wayadvertises as a towing and recovery operator or business or in any wayconveys the impression that he or the business is engaged in services ofproviding towing and recovery of vehicles; such person or business shall bedeemed to be engaged in towing and recovery services.
"Towing and recovery of vehicles" means services offered by a towing andrecovery operator.
"Towing and recovery operator" means any person offering services involvingthe use of a tow truck and services incidental to use of a tow truck; thisterm does not include a franchised motor vehicle dealer as defined in §46.2-1500 using a tow truck owned by a dealer when transporting a vehicle toor from a repair facility owned by the dealer when the dealer does notreceive compensation from the vehicle owner for towing of the vehicle or whentransporting a vehicle in which the dealer has an ownership or securityinterest.
(2006, cc. 874, 891; 2008, c. 414; 2009, c. 806.)