§ 46.2-2825.1. Suspension, revocation, and refusal to renew licenses ordriver authorization documents; notice and hearing.
No license or driver authorization document issued under this chapter shallbe suspended or revoked, or renewal thereof refused, until a written copy ofthe complaint made has been furnished to the licensee or driver authorizationdocument holder against whom the complaint is directed and a public hearingthereon has been held before a hearing officer designated by the Board. Atleast 10 days' written notice of the time and place of the hearing shall begiven to the licensee or driver authorization document holder by registeredmail addressed to his last known post office address or as shown on hislicense or driver authorization document or other record of information inpossession of the Board. At the hearing, the licensee or driver authorizationdocument holder shall have the right to be heard personally or by counsel.The hearing officer shall provide recommendations to the Board within 90 daysof the conclusion of the hearing. After receiving the recommendations fromthe hearing officer, the Board may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew thelicense or document in question. A Board member shall disqualify himself andwithdraw from any case in which he cannot accord fair and impartialconsideration. Any party may request the disqualification of any Board memberby stating with particularity the grounds upon which it is claimed that fairand impartial consideration cannot be accorded. The remaining members of theBoard shall determine whether the individual should be disqualified.Immediate notice of any suspension, revocation, or refusal shall be given tothe licensee or driver authorization document holder by registered mailaddressed to his last known post office address or as shown on his license ordriver authorization document or other record of information in possession ofthe Board.
(2009, c. 806.)