§ 46.2-339. Qualifications of school bus driver; examination.
No person shall drive any school bus on a highway in the Commonwealth unlesshe has had a reasonable amount of experience in driving motor vehicles, andhas passed a special examination pertaining to his ability to drive a schoolbus with safety to its passengers and to other persons using the highways.Such person shall obtain a commercial driver's license with the applicableclassifications and endorsements, issued pursuant to the Virginia CommercialDriver's License Act (§ 46.2-341.1 et seq.), if the school bus he drives is acommercial motor vehicle as defined in the Virginia Commercial Driver'sLicense Act. For the purpose of preparing for the examination required bythis section, any person holding a valid driver's license issued underArticle 4 of this chapter, may drive, under the direct supervision of aperson holding a valid school bus license endorsement, a school bus whichcontains no other passengers, provided that, on and after April 1, 1992, onlypersons holding a valid commercial driver's license or instruction permitissued under the provisions of the Virginia Commercial Driver's License Act,may operate, under the direct supervision of a person holding a validcommercial driver's license with a school bus endorsement, a school bus whichis a commercial motor vehicle as defined in the Virginia Commercial Driver'sLicense Act and which contains no pupil passengers. The Department may adoptregulations necessary to provide for the examination of persons desiring toqualify to drive school buses in the Commonwealth and for the granting ofpermits to qualified applicants.
(Code 1950, § 22-278; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-370; 1978, c. 263; 1984, c. 780;1989, cc. 705, 727.)