§ 46.2-340. Information concerning school bus drivers and driver educationinstructors.
A. At the beginning of each school year, and whenever changes need to bemade, each local school division shall furnish to the Department of MotorVehicles the name, driver's license number, and commercial driver's licensenumber of all persons driving school buses for that school division. Wheneverany commercial driver's license with a school bus driver's endorsement issuspended or revoked, or the holder of a driver's license with a school busdriver's endorsement or commercial driver's license with a school busdriver's endorsement is convicted in any court of reckless driving or drivingwhile intoxicated, the Department shall notify the affected local schooldivision of the name and driver's license number or commercial driver'slicense number of the driver involved.
B. At the beginning of each school year, and whenever changes need to bemade, each local school division and private school providing a drivereducation program approved by the Department of Education shall furnish tothe Department of Motor Vehicles the name and driver's license number of allpersons providing instruction in driver education for that school division orprivate school. Whenever a driver's license of a person providing suchinstruction is suspended or revoked, or such person is convicted in any courtof reckless driving or driving while intoxicated, the Department shall notifythe affected local school division or private school of the name and driver'slicense number of the driver involved.
If the driving record of such driver education instructor accumulates morethan six demerit points based on convictions occurring in any calendar year,the Department shall notify the relevant local school division or privateschool of the name and driver's license number of the driver. Safe drivingpoints shall not be used to reduce the six demerit points. No drivereducation program in a public school division or a private school shallretain its approval by the Department of Education unless such a person whohas accumulated such six demerit points is removed from providingbehind-the-wheel driver education instruction in the private school or publicschool division for a period of twenty-four months.
C. The provisions of the Government Data Collection and DisseminationPractices Act (Chapter 38 of Title 2.2, § 2.2-3800 et seq.) shall not applyto the exchange of information under this section.
(1986, c. 287, § 46.1-370.01; 1989, c. 727; 1993, c. 52; 1999, c. 463.)