§ 46.2-341.12. Application for commercial driver's license.
A. Every application to the Department for a commercial driver's licenseshall be made upon a form approved and furnished by the Department, and theapplicant shall write his usual signature in ink in the space provided. Theapplicant shall provide the following information:
1. Full legal name;
2. Current mailing and residential addresses;
3. Physical description including sex, height, weight and eye and hair color;
4. Year, month and date of birth;
5. Social Security number; and
6. Any other information required on the application form.
B. Every applicant for a commercial driver's license shall also submit to theDepartment the following:
1. A consent to release driving record information;
2. Certifications that:
a. He either meets the federal qualification requirements of 49 C.F.R. Part391, or he is exempt from or is not subject to such federal requirements;
b. He either meets the state qualification requirements established pursuantto § 52-8.4, or he is exempt from or is not subject to such requirements;
c. The motor vehicle in which the applicant takes the skills test isrepresentative of the class and, if applicable, the type of motor vehicle forwhich the applicant seeks to be licensed;
d. He is not subject to any disqualification, suspension, revocation orcancellation of his driving privileges;
e. He does not have more than one driver's license;
3. Other certifications required by the Department;
4. Any evidence required by the Department to establish proof of identity,legal presence, residency, and social security number; and
5. A statement indicating whether (i) the applicant has previously beenlicensed to drive any type of motor vehicle during the previous 10 years and,if so, all states that licensed the applicant and the dates he was licensed,and (ii) whether or not he has ever been disqualified, or his licensesuspended, revoked or cancelled and, if so, the date of and reason therefor.
C. Every application for a commercial driver's license shall include aphotograph of the applicant supplied under arrangements made therefor by theDepartment in accordance with § 46.2-323.
D. The Department shall disqualify any commercial driver for a period of oneyear when the records of the Department clearly show to the satisfaction ofthe Commissioner that such person has made a material false statement on anyapplication or certification made for a commercial driver's license. TheDepartment shall take such action within 30 days after discovering suchfalsification.
E. The Department shall review the driving record of any person who appliesfor a Virginia commercial driver's license, for the renewal or reinstatementof such license or for an additional commercial classification orendorsement, including the driving record from all jurisdictions where,during the previous 10 years, the applicant was licensed to drive any type ofmotor vehicle. If appropriate, the Department shall incorporate informationfrom such other jurisdictions' records into the applicant's Virginia drivingrecord, and shall make a notation on the applicant's driving recordconfirming that such review has been completed and the date it was completed.The Department's review shall include research through the Commercial DriverLicense Information System established pursuant to the Commercial MotorVehicle Safety Act and the National Driver Register in addition to the driverrecord maintained by the applicant's previous jurisdictions of licensure.This research shall be completed prior to the issuance, renewal, orreinstatement of a commercial driver's license or additional commercialclassification or endorsement.
(1989, c. 705, § 46.1-372.12; 2005, c. 513; 2009, c. 872.)