§ 46.2-341.30. Disqualification for driving commercial motor vehicle whileintoxicated, etc.
A. The judgment of conviction under any provision of § 46.2-341.24 shall ofitself operate to disqualify the person so convicted from the privilege todrive or operate any commercial motor vehicle as provided in § 46.2-341.18.Notwithstanding any other provision of law, such disqualification shall notbe subject to any suspension, reduction, limitation or other modification bythe court or the Commissioner.
B. A judgment of conviction under any provision of subsection A of §46.2-341.24, in addition to causing the disqualification under subsection Aof this section, shall also operate to deprive the person so convicted of hisprivilege to drive or operate any motor vehicle as provided in § 18.2-271.
(1989, c. 705, § 46.1-372.29.)