§ 46.2-341.8. Nonresidents and new residents.
Any person who is not domiciled in the Commonwealth, who has been duly issueda commercial driver's license by his state of domicile, who has such licensein his immediate possession, whose privilege or license to drive any motorvehicle is not suspended, revoked, or cancelled, and who has not beendisqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle, shall be permittedwithout further examination or licensure by the Commonwealth, to drive acommercial motor vehicle in the Commonwealth.
Within thirty days after becoming domiciled in this Commonwealth, any personwho has been issued a commercial driver's license by another state and whointends to drive a commercial motor vehicle shall apply to the Department fora Virginia commercial driver's license. The Commissioner may establish, byregulation, the criteria by which the test requirements for a commercialdriver's license may be waived for any such applicant.
(1989, c. 705, § 46.1-372.8.)