§ 46.2-347. Fraudulent use of driver's license or Department of MotorVehicles identification card to obtain alcoholic beverages; penalties.
Any underage person as specified in § 4.1-304 who knowingly uses or attemptsto use a forged, deceptive or otherwise nongenuine driver's license issued byany state, territory or possession of the United States, the District ofColumbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or any foreign country orgovernment; United States Armed Forces identification card; United Statespassport or foreign government visa; Virginia Department of Motor Vehiclesspecial identification card; official identification issued by any otherfederal, state or foreign government agency; or official university orcollege student identification card to obtain alcoholic beverages shall beguilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor, and upon conviction of a violation of thissection, the court shall revoke such convicted person's driver's license orprivilege to drive a motor vehicle for a period of not less than thirty daysnor more than one year.
(1980, c. 519, § 46.1-384.1; 1981, c. 24; 1983, c. 473; 1984, c. 780; 1985,c. 559; 1989, c. 727; 1992, c. 531; 1993, c. 866.)