§ 46.2-356. Period during which habitual offender not to be licensed to drivemotor vehicle.
No license to drive motor vehicles in Virginia shall be issued to any persondetermined or adjudicated an habitual offender (i) for a period of ten yearsfrom the date of any final order of a court entered under this article or ifno such order was entered then the notice of the determination by theCommissioner finding the person to be an habitual offender and (ii) until theprivilege of the person to drive a motor vehicle in the Commonwealth has beenrestored by an order of a court entered in a proceeding as provided in thisarticle.
(1968, c. 476, § 46.1-387.7; 1989, c. 727; 1995, c. 799; 1999, cc. 945, 987.)