§ 46.2-359. Restoration of driving privilege to certain persons.
Any person eighteen years of age or older who has been adjudged an habitualoffender based in whole or in part on findings of not innocent as a juvenilemay petition the court in which he was found to be an habitual offender, orany circuit court in Virginia having criminal jurisdiction in the politicalsubdivision in which the person now resides, for restoration of his privilegeto operate a motor vehicle in the Commonwealth. On such petition, and forgood cause shown, the court may, in its discretion, restore to him theprivilege to drive a motor vehicle in the Commonwealth on whatever conditionsthe court may prescribe, subject to other provisions of law relating to theissuance of driver's licenses.
(1968, c. 476, § 46.1-387.2; 1970, cc. 507, 724; 1974, c. 453; 1982, c. 655;1984, c. 780; 1989, c. 727.)