§ 46.2-387. Penalty for failure to forward record of conviction or ofjudgment for damages.
Any person required to forward to the Commissioner a record of a convictionor of a judgment for damages as provided in this chapter who fails, refuses,or neglects so to do without reasonable cause shall be guilty of a Class 4misdemeanor and may be suspended or removed from office or otherwisedisciplined for dereliction of duty.
The Commissioner shall call every such failure to the attention of the personguilty of the dereliction and to the judge of the court of which he is anofficer in cases of dereliction on the part of officers of courts and also tothe appropriate attorney for the Commonwealth.
Discipline for dereliction of the duties provided by this chapter iscumulative to the other penalties prescribed and may be imposed by the courthaving jurisdiction over the official whose negligence is complained of.
(Code 1950, § 46-415; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-416; 1989, c. 727.)