§ 46.2-601. Appointment of Commissioner agent for service of process.
Each nonresident owner of a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer applyingfor the registration thereof in the Commonwealth shall file with theapplication a duly executed instrument, constituting the Commissioner and hissuccessors in office his attorney on whom all lawful process against andnotice to the owner may be served in any action or legal proceeding broughtas the result of the operation or use of any motor vehicle, trailer, orsemitrailer registered by or for him, in the Commonwealth; and therein shallagree that any process against or notice to the owner shall have the sameeffect as if served on the owner within the Commonwealth. The service of theprocess or notice shall be made by leaving a copy of it in the office of theCommissioner with a service fee of three dollars to be taxed as a part of thecosts of the suit. The Commissioner shall forthwith notify the owner of theservice by letter.
(Code 1950, § 46-125; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-139; 1989, c. 727.)