§ 46.2-604. Contents of registration card and certificate; vehicle colordata; notation of certain disabled owners.
The registration card and the certificate of title shall each contain thedate issued, the registration number assigned to the motor vehicle, trailer,or semitrailer, the name and address of the owner, a description of theregistered motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer, and other statement offacts as may be determined by the Department. Every applicant forregistration or renewal of registration shall indicate on his application thecolor that best describes the predominant color of the vehicle. In so doing,the applicant shall select a color from a list of standard, primary colors,developed by the Commissioner. Such color information shall be maintained inthe Department's records and made available to law-enforcement agencies fortheir official use and may, in the discretion of the Commissioner, beindicated on the registration card and the certificate of title.
Whenever disabled parking license plates are issued under § 46.2-731 to theparent or legal guardian of a person with a disability that limits or impairshis ability to walk or that creates a concern for his safety while walking,the registration card for such vehicle shall so note.
Whenever (i) disabled parking license plates are issued under § 46.2-731 orDV disabled parking license plates are issued under subsection B of §46.2-739 and (ii) the vehicle for which such license plates are issued isregistered in the name of more than one owner, the registration card for suchvehicle shall include a notation indicating which owner or owners of thevehicle is a "person with a disability that limits or impairs his ability towalk" as defined in § 46.2-1240. However, no vehicle owned and used by anorganization for the transportation of disabled persons shall be subject tothe notation requirement imposed by this paragraph.
The registration card shall contain forms for providing notice to theDepartment of a transfer of the ownership of the motor vehicle, trailer, orsemitrailer. Whenever a Virginia-registered motor vehicle is sold or itsownership otherwise transferred, the seller or transferor shall notify theDepartment of the sale or transfer by completing the appropriate portion ofthe registration card. Section 46.2-113 shall not apply to failures toprovide such notification.
The certificate of title shall contain a statement of the owner's title andof all liens or encumbrances on the motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailerdescribed in the certificate and whether possession is held by the ownerunder a lease, contract, or conditional sale or other like agreement. Thecertificate of title shall also contain forms of assignment of title orinterest and warranty of title with space for notation of liens andencumbrances on the motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer at the time of atransfer.
(Code 1950, § 46-79; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-79; 1988, c. 363; 1989, c. 727;1990, c. 79; 1998, cc. 285, 302; 2000, c. 667; 2004, c. 692.)