§ 46.2-613. Offenses relating to registration, licensing, and certificates oftitle; penalty.
No person shall:
1. Operate or permit the operation of a motor vehicle, trailer, orsemitrailer owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by him to be operated on ahighway unless (i) it is registered, (ii) a certificate of title therefor hasbeen issued, and (iii) it has displayed on it the license plate or plates anddecal or decals, if any, assigned to it by the Department for the currentregistration period, subject to the exemptions mentioned in Article 5 (§46.2-655 et seq.) and Article 6 (§ 46.2-662 et seq.) of this chapter.
2. Display, cause or permit to be displayed, any registration card,certificate of title, or license plate or decal which he knows is fictitiousor which he knows has been cancelled, revoked, suspended, or altered; ordisplay or cause or permit to be displayed on any motor vehicle, trailer, orsemitrailer any license plate or decal that he knows is currently issued foranother vehicle. Violation of this subdivision shall constitute a Class 2misdemeanor.
3. Possess or lend or knowingly permit the use of any registration card,license plate, or decal by anyone not entitled to it.
4. Fail or refuse to surrender to the Department or the Department of StatePolice, on demand, any certificate of title, registration card, or licenseplate or decal which has been suspended, cancelled, or revoked. Violation ofthis subdivision shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor.
5. Use a false name or address in any application for the registration of anymotor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer or for a certificate of title or forany renewal or duplicate certificate, or knowingly to make a false statementof a material fact or to conceal a material fact or otherwise commit a fraudin any registration application. Violation of this subdivision shallconstitute a Class 1 misdemeanor.
(Code 1950, § 46-63; 1950, p. 251; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-64; 1960, c. 79;1972, c. 609; 1974, c. 400; 1975, c. 124; 1979, c. 620; 1989, c. 727; 1997,c. 283; 1999, c. 212; 2002, c. 93; 2006, cc. 444, 472.)