§ 46.2-623. Statements in application.
A. Every application for a certificate of title shall contain (i) a statementof the applicant's title and of all liens or encumbrances on the vehicle andthe names and addresses of all persons having any interest in the vehicle andthe nature of every interest in the vehicle; (ii) the Social Security number,if any, of the owner and, if the application is in the name of an employerfor a business vehicle, the employer's identification number assigned by theUnited States Internal Revenue Service; and (iii) a brief description of thevehicle to be titled or registered, including the name of the maker, thevehicle identification or serial number and, when titling or registering anew vehicle, the date of sale by the manufacturer or dealer to the personfirst operating the vehicle.
B. Not later than July 15, 1998, the lessor of a qualifying vehicle, asdefined in § 58.1-3523, shall send a report to the Department for each suchqualifying vehicle it was leasing as of July 1, 1998, and has leased betweenJanuary 1, 1998, and June 30, 1998, containing (i) the name and address ofthe lessee as it appears in the lease contract; (ii) the social securitynumber of the lessee; and (iii) the registration number of the vehicle asdescribed under Article 1 (§ 46.2-600 et seq.) of Chapter 6 of Title 46.2.
C. Beginning with August 1998, such lessor shall send a monthly report to theDepartment, by the fifteenth day of the month or such later day as may beprescribed in the guidelines promulgated under § 58.1-3532, listing anychanges, additions or deletions to the information provided under subsectionB as of the last day of the preceding month.
D. The application for title or registration shall contain such additionalinformation as may be required by the Department.
E. The Department may require that an applicant present proof reasonablyacceptable to the Department of the accuracy of information provided on theapplication, and may refuse to issue a certificate of title until such proofhas been provided.
(Code 1950, § 46-50; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-52; 1972, c. 230; 1989, c. 727;1998, Sp. Sess. I, c. 2; 2005, c. 305; 2006, c. 896; 2008, c. 171.)