§ 46.2-634. Transfer of title when no qualification on estate.
If the holder of a certificate of title is dead and there has been noqualification on his estate, a transfer may be made by a legatee ordistributee if there is presented to the Department a statement made by alegatee or distributee to the effect that there has not been and there is notexpected to be a qualification on the estate and that the decedent's debtshave been paid or that the proceeds from the sale of the motor vehicle willbe applied against his debts. The statement shall contain the name,residence at the time of death, date of death, and the names of any otherpersons having an interest in the motor vehicle which is sought to betransferred and, if these persons are of legal age, they shall signify inwriting their consent to the transfer of the title.
(Code 1950, § 46-90; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-94; 1964, c. 574; 1972, c. 211;1989, c. 727.)