§ 46.2-635. (Effective until July 1, 2012) Surrender of certificates forvehicles to be demolished; securing new title certificates.
Every person disposing of a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer which isto be demolished shall make an assignment of title to the transferee asprovided in § 46.2-628. The assigned certificate of title, when available,however, shall be delivered to the Department, accompanied by a form providedby the Commissioner, stating that the vehicle is to be demolished andcertifying that, before demolition, a good faith effort was made to removemercury switches in vehicles manufactured for the 2002 model year andpreceding model years. On receipt of this form and the assigned title, theCommissioner shall forward to the transferee a receipt for them.Manufacturers of vehicles sold in the Commonwealth shall be responsible forproviding a method for storing, shipping, recycling, or disposing of mercuryswitches removed from vehicles manufactured by them. For purposes of thissection "mercury switches" means each mercury-containing capsule, commonlyknown as a "bullet," that is part of a convenience light switch in avehicle manufactured for the 2002 model year or any preceding model year.
If the person, in lieu of demolishing the vehicle, sells, transfers, oroperates the motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer, he shall first secure acertificate of title from the Department. Before issuing the new certificateof title, the Department shall inspect, or have inspected, the reconstructedvehicle.
If a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer obtained for use or resale, issubsequently demolished, the owner shall immediately surrender itscertificate of title to the Department.
(1968, c. 156, § 46.1-98.1; 1978, c. 605; 1989, c. 727; 2006, cc. 16, 163.)
§ 46.2-635. (Effective July 1, 2012) Surrender of certificates for vehiclesto be demolished; securing new title certificates.
Every person disposing of a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer which isto be demolished shall make an assignment of title to the transferee asprovided in § 46.2-628. The assigned certificate of title, when available,however, shall be delivered to the Department, accompanied by a form providedby the Commissioner, stating that the vehicle is to be demolished. Onreceipt of this form and the assigned title, the Commissioner shall forwardto the transferee a receipt for them.
If the person, in lieu of demolishing the vehicle, sells, transfers, oroperates the motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer, he shall first secure acertificate of title from the Department. Before issuing the new certificateof title, the Department shall inspect, or have inspected, the reconstructedvehicle.
If a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer obtained for use or resale, issubsequently demolished, the owner shall immediately surrender itscertificate of title to the Department.
(1968, c. 156, § 46.1-98.1; 1978, c. 605; 1989, c. 727.)