§ 46.2-638. Certificate as notice of security interest.
A certificate of title, when issued by the Department showing a securityinterest, shall be adequate notice to the Commonwealth, creditors, andpurchasers that a security interest in the motor vehicle exists and therecording or filing of such creation or reservation of a security interest inthe county or city wherein the purchaser or debtor resides or elsewhere isnot necessary and shall not be required. Motor vehicles, trailers orsemitrailers, other than those which are inventory held for sale, registeredor for which a certificate of title shall have been issued under this titleshall not be subjected to, but shall be exempt from the provisions of §§8.9A-301 through 8.9A-527 and § 55-96, nor shall recordation or filing ofsuch security interest, except a security interest in inventory held forsale, in any other place for any other purpose, be required or have anyeffect.
(Code 1950, § 46-71; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-71; 1966, c. 558; 1989, c. 727;2006, c. 896; 2010, c. 135.)