§ 46.2-651. Trip permits; regulations; fees.
A. The Department may, on application on forms provided by the Department,issue a trip permit to any owner of a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailerwhich would otherwise be subject to registration plates but is not currentlyregistered. If the vehicle operating under the permit is a vehicle designedas a property-carrying vehicle, it shall be unladen at the time of operationunder the permit. The permit shall be valid for three days and shall show theregistration or permit number, the date of issue, the date of expiration, themake of vehicle, the vehicle identification number, the beginning point andthe point of destination. The fee for the permit shall be five dollars.
B. For vehicles to be purchased by a Virginia resident and registered inVirginia, the Department shall issue to the prospective purchaser, upon hisapplication therefor, trip permits as provided in subsection A of thissection, except that permits issued under this subsection shall not be validunless and until the prospective purchaser receives an original bill of salepertaining to the vehicle purchased. Permits issued under this subsectionshall be valid for three days, beginning on the date of the original bill ofsale, and shall be kept with the original bill of sale in the purchasedvehicle at all times during the trip until the vehicle is properly registeredwith the Department. The Commissioner may charge a reasonable fee, adequateto recover the Department's costs, for the issuance of permits under thissubsection, and may promulgate such regulations as he deems necessary orconvenient in carrying out the provisions of this subsection.
(1974, c. 215, § 46.1-42.1; 1976, c. 59; 1989, c. 727; 2000, c. 144; 2001, c.192.)