§ 46.2-653. Temporary registration or permit for transportation ofmanufactured homes exceeding the size permitted by law.
The Commissioner may grant a temporary registration or permit for thetransportation of manufactured homes, which exceed the size permitted by law,on the highways in the Commonwealth from one point to another within theCommonwealth, or from the Commonwealth to a point or points outside theCommonwealth, or from outside the Commonwealth to a point or points withinthe Commonwealth. Such temporary registration or permit shall show theregistration or permit number, the date of issue, the date of expiration, andthe route to be traveled or other restrictions and shall be displayed in aprominent place on the vehicle. The owner of every manufactured home of thissort purchased in the Commonwealth for use within the Commonwealth or broughtinto the Commonwealth for use within the Commonwealth shall apply within 30days to the Department for title in the name of the owner. This requirementshall not apply to inventory held by licensed Virginia dealers for thepurpose of resale. After a manufactured home has been titled in theCommonwealth and at such time as the wheels and other equipment previouslyused for mobility have been removed and the unit has been attached to therealty, then the manufactured home shall, for purposes of this section, bedeemed to be real estate and Virginia title issued for the unit may bereturned to the Department for cancellation and the unit shall thereafter betransferred only as real estate is transferred. The validity of any securityinterest perfected pursuant to §§ 46.2-636 through 46.2-641 shall continue,notwithstanding the provisions of this section.
The Commissioner shall have prepared a list of all titles cancelled pursuantto this section and furnish it, in conjunction with the reports submittedpursuant to § 46.2-210, to the commissioner of the revenue of each county andcity without cost. The Commissioner shall not make such list available to thepublic nor shall any commissioner of the revenue make such list available toany third party.
The authorities in cities and towns regulating the movement of traffic mayprescribe the route or routes over which these manufactured homes may betransported, and no manufactured home of this sort shall be transportedthrough any city or town except along a prescribed route or routes.
For each temporary single-trip registration or permit issued hereunder, theapplicant shall pay a fee of one dollar, in addition to any administrativefee required by the Department. In lieu of a single-trip permit, an annualmulti-trip permit may be issued for a fee of $40, in addition to anyadministrative fee required by the Department.
No permit, as provided in this section, shall be issued covering anymanufactured home that is subject to a license plate.
(Code 1950, § 46-44.1; 1956, c. 85; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-44; 1973, c. 207;1977, c. 587; 1989, c. 727; 1997, c. 283; 1999, c. 77; 2003, c. 314; 2006, c.202; 2008, c. 178.)