§ 46.2-667. Farm machinery and tractors.
No person shall be required to obtain the registration certificate, licenseplates and decals, or pay the prescribed fee for any farm machinery ortractor when operated on a highway (i) between one tract of land and anotherregardless of whether the land is owned by the same person or (ii) to andfrom a repair shop for repairs.
(Code 1950, § 46-45; 1950, p. 693; 1952, c. 498; 1956, cc. 292, 568; 1958, c.541, § 46.1-45; 1962, cc. 214, 535; 1964, c. 611; 1966, c. 654; 1968, c. 46;1970, c. 192; 1972, c. 609; 1973, c. 495; 1978, c. 307; 1988, cc. 76, 568;1989, c. 727; 1996, c. 55; 2000, c. 318.)