§ 46.2-705. Definitions.
For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the meaningsrespectively ascribed to them in this section:
"Motor vehicle" means a vehicle capable of self-propulsion which is either(i) required to be titled and licensed and for which a license fee isrequired to be paid by its owner, or (ii) owned by or assigned to a motorvehicle manufacturer, distributor, or dealer licensed in the Commonwealth.
"Insured motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle as to which there is bodilyinjury liability insurance and property damage liability insurance, both inthe amounts specified in § 46.2-472, issued by an insurance carrierauthorized to do business in the Commonwealth, or as to which a bond has beengiven or cash or securities delivered in lieu of the insurance; or as towhich the owner has qualified as a self-insurer in accordance with theprovisions of § 46.2-368.
"Uninsured motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle as to which there is nosuch bodily injury liability insurance and property damage liabilityinsurance, or no such bond has been given or cash or securities delivered inlieu thereof, or the owner of which has not so qualified as a self-insurer.
(1958, c. 407, § 46.1-167.2; 1960, c. 188; 1982, c. 638; 1988, c. 865; 1989,c. 727.)