§ 46.2-722. Altered or forged license plates or decals; use as evidence ofknowledge.
Any person who, with fraudulent intent, alters any license plate or decalissued by the Department or by any other state, forges or counterfeits anylicense plate or decal purporting to have been issued by the Department underthe provisions of this title or by any other state under a similar law orwho, with fraudulent intent, alters, falsifies, or forges any assignmentthereof, or who holds or uses any license plate or decal knowing it to havebeen altered, forged, or falsified, shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
The owner of a vehicle who operates it while it displays altered or forgedlicense plates or decals shall be presumed to have knowledge of thealteration or forgery.
(Code 1950, § 46-12; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-112; 1972, c. 609; 1982, c. 247;1989, c. 727.)