§ 46.2-734. Reconstructed and specially constructed vehicles; inspectionrequirements; storage of unlicensed vehicles; use.
A. On receipt of an application therefor and written evidence that theapplicant is a hobbyist and is registering a reconstructed or speciallyconstructed vehicle built, reconstructed, restored, preserved, and maintainedfor historic or hobby interest, the Commissioner shall issue to the applicantone special license plate, which shall be mounted on the rear of the vehicle.
For the purposes of this section, "hobbyist" means the owner of one or morereconstructed or specially constructed vehicles who collects, purchases,acquires, trades, or disposes of reconstructed or specially constructedvehicles or parts thereof for his own use in order to build, reconstruct,restore, preserve, and maintain a reconstructed or specially constructedvehicle for historic or hobby interest.
B. These vehicles shall be titled according to their chassis numbers or, ifno chassis number exists, then by their motor serial numbers. The vehiclesshall meet inspection requirements applicable to the model year shown on theregistration certificate.
C. A hobbyist may store unlicensed, operable or inoperable, vehicles on hisproperty provided the vehicles and the outdoor storage area are maintained insuch a manner that they do not constitute a health hazard and are screenedfrom ordinary public view by a fence, rapidly growing trees, shrubbery,billboards or other appropriate means. The hobbyist shall, however, not beexempt from local zoning ordinances governing the storage of these vehicles.
D. Vehicles registered under this section shall not be used for generaltransportation purposes, including but not limited to daily travel to andfrom the owner's place of employment, but shall only be used (i) forparticipation in hobbyist vehicle exhibits and similar limited-use events and(ii) on the highways of the Commonwealth for the purpose of testing theiroperation, obtaining repairs or maintenance, and transportation to and fromevents as described in this subsection.
(1979, c. 159, § 46.1-53.1; 1989, c. 727; 2004, c. 678.)