§ 46.2-736. Special license plates for professional or volunteer firefighters and members of volunteer fire department auxiliaries; fees.
The Commissioner, on application, shall supply professional fire fighters,members of volunteer fire departments, members of volunteer fire departmentauxiliaries, and volunteer members of any fire department license platesbearing the letters "F D" followed by numbers or letters or any combinationthereof.
An application shall be required from each professional fire fighter,volunteer fire fighter, or member of a volunteer fire department auxiliary.The application shall be approved by the chief or head of the fire departmentand shall contain the name and residence address of the applicant. TheCommissioner shall charge each professional fire fighter a fee of one dollarin addition to the prescribed cost of state license plates, for each set oflicense plates issued under this section. No additional fee shall be chargedto members of volunteer fire departments, members of volunteer firedepartment auxiliaries, or volunteer members of any fire department.
(1973, c. 190, § 46.1-105.4; 1975, c. 25; 1976, cc. 460, 500; 1978, c. 201;1987, c. 696; 1989, c. 727; 1996, c. 1026.)