§ 46.2-736.1. Special license plates for certain officials; fees.
On request, the Commissioner shall issue special license plates to thefollowing officials: the Speaker of the House of Delegates, members of theHouse of Delegates, members of the Virginia Senate, the Clerk of the House ofDelegates, the Clerk of the Virginia Senate, the Governor of Virginia, theLieutenant Governor of Virginia, the Attorney General of Virginia, UnitedStates Congressmen, and United States Senators.
The annual fee for license plates issued pursuant to this section shall be$25 plus the prescribed fees for (i) vehicle registration and (ii) licenseplates with reserved numbers or letters.
The provisions of subdivisions 1 and 2 of subsection B of § 46.2-725 shallnot apply to license plates issued under this section.
(1995, c. 747; 2005, c. 300.)