§ 46.2-742.1. Special license plates for persons awarded the Bronze Star,Bronze Star with a "V" for valor, or the Silver Star; fee.
On receipt of an application and written evidence that the applicant has beenawarded a Bronze Star, Bronze Star with a "V" for valor, or Silver StarMedal, the Commissioner shall issue to the applicant special license plates.
For each set of license plates issued under this section, the Commissionershall charge, in addition to the prescribed cost of state license plates, aone-time fee of $10 at the time the plates are issued.
The provisions of subdivisions 1 and 2 of subsection B of § 46.2-725 shallnot apply to license plates issued under this section.
The design of license plates issued under this section to persons who havebeen awarded multiple decorations shall reflect the number of suchdecorations.
Unremarried surviving spouses of persons eligible to receive special licenseplates under this section may also be issued special license plates underthis section.
(1992, c. 577; 1995, c. 747; 1996, c. 1026; 1999, c. 907; 2002, c. 864; 2004,c. 747.)