§ 46.2-746.5. Special license plates for National Guard retirees; fees.
On receipt of an application and written evidence that the applicant is aretired member of the National Guard, the Commissioner shall issue speciallicense plates to National Guard retirees.
The fee for license plates issued under this section to retired members ofthe Virginia National Guard shall be the fee prescribed in § 46.2-694, unlessthe plates bear reserved numbers or letters as provided for in § 46.2-726. Inthis latter case, the fee for the issuance of license plates shall be thesame as for those issued under § 46.2-726.
The fee for non-Virginia National Guard retirees shall be ten dollars peryear plus the prescribed cost for state license plates, unless the platesbear reserved numbers or letters as provided for in § 46.2-726. In thislatter case, such license plates shall be subject to an additional charge often dollars per year for the reserved numbers or letters.
(1995, c. 747; 1997, cc. 774, 816.)