§ 46.2-746.7. Special license plates for members of certain civic andfraternal organizations.
On receipt of an application and written evidence that the applicant is amember of such organization, the Commissioner shall issue special licenseplates to members of the following organizations: the Exchange Club, theJaycees, the Kiwanis, the Lions of Virginia, Rotary International, RuritanNational, the Freemasons, the Shriners, the Most Worshipful Prince Hall GrandLodge of Virginia, the Order of the Eastern Star, the Knights of Columbus,and college and university fraternities and sororities.
No license plates shall be developed and issued for college or universityfraternities or sororities until the Commissioner receives 350 or moreprepaid applications and a design for each new series. All other licenseplates authorized under this section shall be subject to the development andissuance provisions of subdivision B 1 of § 46.2-725.
(1995, c. 747; 1996, c. 1026; 1998, c. 175; 1999, c. 907; 2000, c. 75; 2002,cc. 90, 864; 2003, c. 925; 2004, cc. 717, 747; 2005, c. 908.)