§ 46.2-749.4. Special license plates bearing the seal, symbol, emblem, orlogotype of counties, cities, and towns.
A. On receipt of a minimum of 350 paid applications and a design therefor,the Commissioner may develop and issue special license plates whose designincorporates the seal, symbol, emblem, or logotype of any county, city ortown. If all affected localities agree as to its design, the Commissioner maydevelop and issue special license plates jointly for more than one locality.Each local governing body of the counties, cities, or towns involved in thedesign of the license plates shall agree as to the issuance fee, and shallindicate to the Commissioner in writing, whether the license plates issuedshall be revenue sharing or nonrevenue sharing license plates.
B. The annual fee for plates issued pursuant to this section that arenonrevenue sharing license plates shall be $10 plus the prescribed fee forstate license plates.
C. The annual fee for plates issued pursuant to this section that are revenuesharing license plates shall be $25 plus the prescribed fee for state licenseplates. For each such $25 fee collected in excess of 1,000 registrationspursuant to this section, $15 shall be paid to the locality whose seal,symbol, emblem, or logotype appears on the plate. These funds shall be paidto the affected localities annually and may be used as provided by the localgoverning body. For license plates issued jointly for more than one locality,these funds shall be apportioned among the affected localities as agreed towith the Commissioner prior to issue.
The provisions of subdivision B 1 of § 46.2-725 shall not apply to licenseplates issued under this section.
(1993, c. 560; 1995, c. 747; 1996, c. 1026; 1999, cc. 883, 907; 2003, c. 925;2004, c. 747; 2005, c. 273.)