§ 46.2-754. Local motor vehicle licenses in Arlington County.
Arlington County may by ordinance require the owner of any motor vehicle,trailer, or semitrailer to obtain and display a license from the countylicensing authority designated by the ordinance. The ordinance may alsorequire that the license be obtained only after showing satisfactory evidencethat all personal property taxes on the motor vehicle, trailer, orsemitrailer have been paid, and that any delinquent personal property taxesassessed or assessable against the vehicle have been paid. The ordinance mayalso prohibit the display of the license after its expiration date and mayprescribe the form of the license. This license requirement shall be imposedin such manner, on such basis, for such period, and subject to proration forfractional periods of years as the governing body requires.
The situs for the imposition of the license requirement under the ordinanceshall be the locality in which the vehicle is normally garaged, stored, orparked. If it cannot be determined where it is normally garaged, stored, orparked, the situs shall be the domicile of its owner.
The ordinance may provide that no motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer maybe licensed by the county unless all fines owed by the owner of the vehiclefor violation of the county's parking ordinances have been paid.
The ordinance may provide that a violation of such ordinance constitutes amisdemeanor the penalty for which shall not exceed that of a Class 4misdemeanor.
(1988, c. 451, § 46.1-65.2; 1989, c. 727.)