§ 46.2-800.1. Riding animals on highways after sunset.
A. No person riding upon any animal on a highway between sunset and sunriseshall ride the animal on the roadway unless the rider:
1. Wears a hat made of or coated with reflectorized material; or
2. Wears upper body clothing made of or coated with reflectorized materialvisible from 360 degrees; or
3. Displays at least 100 square inches of solid reflectorized material atshoulder level visible from 360 degrees; or
4. Carries a light visible in clear weather from a distance of 500 feet.
B. The requirements of subsection A of this section shall only apply to theriders of the first and last animals in a group riding one behind the other.
C. A violation of this section shall not be construed as negligence per se inany civil action.
(1989, c. 295, § 46.1-171.01.)