§ 46.2-808. Commonwealth Transportation Board may prohibit certain uses ofcontrolled access highways; penalty.
A. The Commonwealth Transportation Board may, when necessary to promotesafety, prohibit the use of controlled access highways or any part thereof byany or all of the following:
1. Pedestrians,
2. Persons riding bicycles, electric power-assisted bicycles, electricpersonal assistive mobility devices, or mopeds,
3. Animal-drawn vehicles,
4. Self-propelled machinery or equipment, and
5. Animals led, ridden or driven on the hoof.
B. The termini of any section of controlled access highways, use of which isrestricted under the provisions of this section, shall be clearly indicatedby a conspicuous marker.
C. This section shall not apply to any vehicle or equipment owned orcontrolled by the Virginia Department of Transportation, while actuallyengaged in the construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of highways or toany vehicle or equipment for which a permit has been obtained for operationon such highway.
Any person violating a restriction or prohibition imposed pursuant to thissection shall be guilty of a traffic infraction.
(1964, c. 239, § 46.1-171.1; 1966, c. 365; 1981, c. 585; 1983, c. 262; 1989,c. 727; 1991, c. 55; 2004, cc. 947, 973; 2006, cc. 529, 538; 2007, cc. 209,366.)