§ 46.2-821. Vehicles before entering certain highways shall stop or yieldright-of-way.
The driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection on a highway controlledby a stop sign shall, immediately before entering such intersection, stop ata clearly marked stop line, or, in the absence of a stop line, stop beforeentering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or, in theabsence of a marked crosswalk, stop at the point nearest the intersectingroadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on theintersecting roadway. Before proceeding, he shall yield the right-of-way tothe driver of any vehicle approaching on such other highway from eitherdirection.
Where a "Yield Right-of-Way" sign is posted, the driver of a vehicleapproaching or entering such intersection shall slow down to a speedreasonable for the existing conditions, yield the right-of-way to the driverof another vehicle approaching or entering such intersection from anotherdirection, and, if required for safety, shall stop at a clearly marked stopline, or, in the absence of a stop line, stop before entering the crosswalkon the near side of the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view ofapproaching traffic on the intersecting roadway, and shall yield theright-of-way to the driver of any vehicle approaching on such other highwayfrom either direction.
(Code 1950, §§ 46-238, 46-255; 1952, c. 666; 1954, c. 137; 1956, c. 533;1958, c. 541, §§ 46.1-221, 46.1-247; 1972, c. 489; 1974, c. 347; 1976, c.314; 1985, c. 218; 1989, c. 727.)