§ 46.2-865.1. Injuring another or causing the death of another while engagingin a race; penalties.
A. Any person who, while engaging in a race in violation of § 46.2-865 in amanner so gross, wanton and culpable as to show a reckless disregard forhuman life:
1. Causes serious bodily injury to another person who is not involved in theviolation of § 46.2-865 is guilty of a Class 6 felony; or
2. Causes the death of another person is guilty of a felony punishable by aterm of imprisonment of not less than one nor more than 20 years, one year ofwhich shall be a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment.
B. Upon conviction, the court shall suspend the driver's license of suchperson for a period of not less than one year nor more than three years, andshall order the surrender of the license to be disposed of in accordance withthe provisions of § 46.2-398.
(2004, c. 859; 2006, c. 348.)