§ 46.2-874. Maximum speed limit in business and residence districts.
The maximum speed shall be 25 miles per hour on highways in business orresidence districts, except on interstate or other limited access highwayswith divided roadways or nonlimited access highways having four or more lanesand all state primary highways. The speed limit on all nonlimited accesshighways having four or more lanes and all state primary highways shallremain as indicated by signs posted prior to July 1, 2005, unless changed asprovided by law.
(Code 1950, § 46-212; 1950, p. 881; 1952, c. 666; 1954, c. 244; 1956, c. 364;1958, c. 541, § 46.1-193; 1960, c. 153; 1962, c. 307; 1964, cc. 118, 408;1966, c. 85; 1968, c. 641; 1972, cc. 89, 546, 553, 608; 1974, c. 528; 1977,c. 577; 1978, c. 605; 1980, c. 347; 1989, c. 727; 2005, c. 310.)