§ 46.2-878.1. Maximum speed limits in highway work zones; penalty.
Operation of any motor vehicle in excess of a maximum speed limit establishedspecifically for a highway work zone, when workers are present and when suchhighway work zone is indicated by appropriately placed signs displaying themaximum speed limit and the penalty for violations, shall be unlawful andconstitute a traffic infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $500.
For the purposes of this section, "highway work zone" means a constructionor maintenance area that is located on or beside a highway and marked byappropriate warning signs or other traffic control devices indicating thatwork is in progress.
Nothing in this section shall preclude the prosecution or conviction forreckless driving of any motor vehicle operator whose operation of any motorvehicle in a highway work zone, apart from speed, demonstrates a recklessdisregard for life, limb, or property.
(1992, c. 462; 1995, c. 54; 2003, c. 839.)