§ 46.2-878.3. Prepayment of fines for violations of speed limits.
Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Traffic Infractions andUniform Fine Schedule adopted by the Supreme Court for prepayment of finesshall, in all instances where prepayment of a fine is permitted, include afine of $6 per mile-per-hour in excess of posted speed limits provided for inthis article. However, such Traffic Infractions and Uniform Fine Scheduleshall include a fine of $7 per mile-per-hour in excess of posted speed limitsfor a violation of §§ 46.2-873 and 46.2-878.1 and $8 per mile-per-hour inexcess of posted speed limits for a violation of § 46.2-878.2.
(2003, c. 838; 2010, c. 874.)