§ 46.2-888. Stopping on highways; general rule.
No person shall stop a vehicle in such manner as to impede or renderdangerous the use of the highway by others, except in the case of anemergency, an accident, or a mechanical breakdown. In the event of such anemergency, accident, or breakdown, the emergency flashing lights of suchvehicle shall be turned on if the vehicle is equipped with such lights andsuch lights are in working order. If the driver is capable of safely doing soand the vehicle is movable, the driver may move the vehicle from the roadwayto prevent obstructing the regular flow of traffic; provided, however, thatthe movement of the vehicle to prevent the obstruction of traffic shall notrelieve the law-enforcement officer of his duty pursuant to § 46.2-373. Areport of the vehicle's location shall be made to the nearest law-enforcementofficer as soon as practicable, and the vehicle shall be moved from theroadway to the shoulder as soon as possible and removed from the shoulderwithout unnecessary delay. If the vehicle is not promptly removed, suchremoval may be ordered by a law-enforcement officer at the expense of theowner if the disabled vehicle creates a traffic hazard.
(Code 1950, § 46-256; 1952, c. 671; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-248; 1962, c. 175;1972, c. 63; 1974, c. 230; 1977, cc. 284, 326; 1985, c. 93; 1989, c. 727;1997, c. 431; 2008, c. 737.)