§ 46.2-892. Rural mail carriers stopping on highways.
The provisions of § 46.2-888 shall not apply to any rural mail carrierstopping on the highway while collecting or delivering the United States mailat a mailbox, provided there is lettered on the back of the vehicle operatedby such rural mail carrier, or lettered on a sign securely attached to anddisplayed at the rear of such vehicle, in letters at least four inches inheight the following words and groups of words, which may be in any order:
Additionally, the provisions of § 46.2-888 shall not apply to such rural mailcarrier so stopping if, in lieu of such sign, the vehicle has, and is using,supplemental turn signals mounted at each side of the roof of the vehicle.Between the lights on the assembly shall be mounted a sign with the words"U.S. Mail", or at least one flashing amber warning light, mounted on theroof or rear of the vehicle, to be used in conjunction with a rear-mounted"U.S. Mail" sign.
The roof-mounted "U.S. Mail" sign required by the foregoing provisions ofthis section shall be yellow with black letters at least four inches inheight, and the lights shall be of the type approved by the Superintendent ofState Police. The lettered sign shall be displayed only when the vehicle isengaged in the collection or delivery of the United States mail.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to relieve any such mail carrierfrom civil liability for such stopping on any highway if he is negligent inso doing, and if the negligence proximately contributes to any personalinjury or property damage resulting therefrom.
(Code 1950, § 46-256.1; 1954, c. 433; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-249; 1962, c. 382;1989, c. 727; 1998, c. 411; 2004, c. 359; 2005, c. 140.)