§ 46.2-897. Duty of certain persons accompanying driver to report accidentsinvolving damage only to unattended property.
If the driver fails to stop and make a reasonable search for the owner orcustodian of an unattended vehicle or property or to leave a note for suchowner or custodian as required by § 46.2-896, every person sixteen years ofage or older in the vehicle with the driver at the time of the accident whohas knowledge of the accident shall have a duty to ensure that a report ismade within twenty-four hours from the time of the accident to the StatePolice or, if the accident occurs in a city or town, to the locallaw-enforcement agency. The report shall include his name, address, and suchother facts within his knowledge as are required by § 46.2-896 to be reportedby the driver.
(Code 1950, § 46-189; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-176; 1970, c. 59; 1977, c. 267;1982, c. 503; 1984, c. 780; 1989, c. 727.)